Mom-Life balance

Explore and make use of uncharted parts of yourself

Let’s talk about Mom–Life balance. When you have the desire to become a parent it is a strong calling that often does not accept to be put aside. Parenthood, no matter the road you take to it, brings profound changes and challenges into your life. Arranging the practicalities (like the baby room, the car seat and clothes), whilst balancing changes to your situation and relationships once you are a parent can be a real challenge.

Bring your questions to the table@OwnLife and let’s have real talks! We will go on a journey to discover new aspects of yourself that will help you to create a joyful life as a mom in the midst of all that is happening around you.

As a mother of two dynamic boys in early adulthood I am continuously on a journey to overcome my own fears and provide space to both myself and my boys. A challenging and very rewarding road!